HSL To RGB for PIC Microcontrollers – and others
While the float versions of this function work wonderfully on PCs, the PIC12F, not so much. Without a math coprocessor or FPU, additional libraries are loaded to handle the floats.
This function is a port of the float function which squeezed into 1830 bytes while this fits inside into 745ish bytes with no optimizations.
This function was only verified against hues at 50% saturation and 50% lightness.
// function prototypes void HslToRgb(uint16_t hue, uint8_t saturation, uint8_t lightness); uint8_t AdjustLightness(uint8_t color, int lightness); // Hue: 0-360 // Saturation: 0-100 // Lightness: 0-100 void HslToRgb(uint16_t hue, uint8_t lightness, uint8_t saturation) { /* based on Keenan Lidral-Porter's java function in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27653757/how-to-use-hsl-to-rgb-conversion-function which is... based on algorithm from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV#Converting_to_RGB */ while(hue>360) hue-=360; while(saturation>100) saturation-=100; while(lightness>100) lightness-=100; if (hue == 0) { r = g = b = 0; } uint16_t chroma = (1 - abs((2 * lightness) - 100)) * saturation; uint16_t huePrimet = hue * 10 / 6; uint16_t huePrime = huePrimet / 100; uint16_t fhPi = huePrimet - (huePrime * 100); if (hue < = 59) fhPi = 100 - fhPi; if (hue >= 120 && hue < = 179) fhPi = 100 - fhPi; if (hue >= 240 && hue < = 299) fhPi = 100 - fhPi; uint16_t secondComponent = (chroma * (100 - abs(fhPi))) / 100; int red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0; switch (huePrime) { case 0: red = chroma; green = secondComponent; break; case 1: red = secondComponent; green = chroma; break; case 2: green = chroma; blue = secondComponent; break; case 3: green = secondComponent; blue = chroma; break; case 4: red = secondComponent; blue = chroma; break; case 5: red = chroma; blue = secondComponent; break; } lightness = lightness - (chroma / 2); r = AdjustLightness(red, lightness); g = AdjustLightness(green, lightness); b = AdjustLightness(blue, lightness); } uint8_t AdjustLightness(uint8_t color, int lightness) { return (color + lightness) * 255 / 100; }
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