ALOM: ILOM: diag_level /HOST/diag level diag_mode /HOST/diag mode diag_trigger /HOST/diag trigger diag_verbosity /HOST/diag verbosity if_connection /SP/services/ssh state if_emailalerts /SP/clients/smtp state if_network /SP/network state if_snmp /SP/services/snmp mgt_mailalert /SP/alertmgmt/rules mgt_mailhost /SP/clients/smtp address mgt_snmptraps /SP/sevices/snmp v1|v2c|v3 mgt_traphost /SP/alertmgmt/rules /SP/services/snmp port netsc_dhcp /SP/network pendingipdiscovery …

ALOM CMT Variable Comparison Read more »

This will download and install the brother driver suite, CUPS printer library, and all dependencies.  Tested in Fedora 16, 17, 18, and 19 sudo yum -y install   Post created by: David Gregory Medina

Wired and wireless technologies Network interfaces, subnets, routing Installation of repeaters and hubs Bridges Switches Routers Gauntlet, Sidewinder, Cybercomputing Firewall Certified Network performance, security and resilience Intrusion detection systems, snort

Corrective: Repair any kind of defect. Adaptive: Porting to new hardware or a different OS, without affecting functionality. Perfective: New requirements, and performance improvements. Preventive: Improve maintainability itself, refactor awkward designs and comments.

Business analysis, software requirements co-development Architecture and design of software application Custom software application development Technology/data migration, porting of software Re-engineering of legacy software applications Support and maintenance of software applications Customization/localization services Software testing and quality assurance